
29 March 2015

Two Snakes Tattoo

Last Sunday I finally made a trip I had been excited about for months- to my brother and sister in law's new tattoo shop in Hastings- Two Snakes Tattoo. A lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into this place, and I am so incredibly proud of them!
Alexis has done all of my tattoos (6 to date), and she is an amazingly talented artist- when tattoos are this good, a two hour car journey is nothing! 
I got a peony on my wrist- my biggest tattoo yet. I am in love. 

 To see what it looks like finished, head over to my Instagram (amy_c_c)

Check out Two Snakes Tattoo here
And they're Facebook page here

A xox


25 March 2015

Black, White, Camel...Repeat...

A reoccurring pattern is emerging in my weekend wardrobe... black, white, camel coat, gold. ERRY DAY. 
Last Friday made no exception. Work for me on a Friday is made much more bearable by 1) being able to wear what we like, and 2) finishing at the glorious hour of 12.30. Bloody beaut. I'm not sure whether wearing leather trousers to work is pushing it, but I wear them most Fridays regardless (bad bish). This particular Friday was made even more exciting with the arrival of one of my besties (and fellow fashion loving friend) from London for an evening of tapas and cocktails. 

Despite my expression in these photos, I really was pretty happy. Only 2 more days til I can feel that Friday feeling all over again- hallelujah! 

Love love 
A xox


12 March 2015

Vintage Adidas

If Instagram quotes have taught me anything, it's that a Sunday well spent brings a week of content! I spent last Sunday chilling with one of my good friends and having a wander round the local shops and seafront after THE most chilled week off.
I dusted off my Beyond Retro turban to save me from sea-hair and my trusty denim jacket from the Primark men's section! This Adidas T shirt was an amazing £4 in a charity shop and is one of my most treasured finds.It really is time to chuck these AA disco pants though, after 3 trusty years they definitely have seen better days. 

I'm so glad it's nearly the weekend again, although with two nights out planned I'm not sure this one will feel as chilled!

Love love A xox


7 March 2015

Let's Split...

 I go to Brighton at any opportunity- it's probably my favourite day out. Today I went for a good mooch around the lanes, a visit to Meat Liquor (Oh my god, go. Just go) and of course the mandatory trip to MAC - I had 12 empties which entitled me to 2 free lipsticks, gotta love a good old Back 2 MAC sesh!
Sorry about the photo heavy post- my boyfriend was on photo duty and he actually did a pretty good job! I bought this side split top/ dress from New Look and I'm in love with the effortless cool it brings to an outfit.

Do you know any hidden gems in my favourite city? 
Hope you're having a lurrrrvely weekend 
A xoxo


5 March 2015

Digging out the Reebok Classics...

Why is choosing your outfit when the sun comes out so much more fun? Granted, it was still freezing cold yesterday but the blue skies definitely put a spring in my step and had me looking at some different items in my wardrobe other than the jumper/ jeans combo I have been reaching for day after day for the last few months!
I've had this week off work to do absolutely nothing- and it's been AMAZING. Yesterday I went for lunch with the parents and opted for this chilled outfit. I actually bought the white T Shirt in All Saints the day before for an amazing £13! The jacket was a Primark bargain, and the ripped jeans are of course Topshop.
Now I bought these Reebok Classics for about £20 YEARS ago, when they were still very uncool. I had no idea that they had a revival coming, but am pretty glad as they are the most comfortable trainers I own. 
God I need some sun. My skin is almost the same shade as my white nails in these pictures- CRINGE. 

Hope you're all having a great week, 
Love love
 A xxx

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