Wow. I've been shit haven't I.
Enough excuses, I do this all the time. No need to list a number of reasons I couldn't be arsed to sit here and blog!
Instead, a massive blog post for you, full of outfit photos from the last 6 months! That's cool, right?!
Same old me though - Just iPhone pictures. I don't change :) Not in any particular order either I'm afraid...
This is a dress I got from ASOS about a month ago. I'm head over heels in love with it, I can't even begin to tell you! I took these photos as soon as it came through the postbox- no styling involved- just out the bag and straight on!
This was an outfit I wore to one of my many trips to Brighton. It was also my first (and last) attempt at nail art! I can't wait for it to be cold enough to wear beanies again!
I left my job in retail in June, and started a new job for a make up company. I LOVED my time working for Pandora, and wore this to my leaving dinner. The necklace came with lots of letters so you can personalise it, and I thought 'au revoir' would be cute! The jumpsuit is one of my favourite items in my wardrobe, and THOSE SHOES! They were only £25 (or thereabouts) from H&M and are beaut!
Another good ASOS purchase! I wore this outfit for my birthday night out. It's a shame the photo doesn't show off the back of the dress- the top is black mesh and is ruddy gorgeous!
This was the night I went to celebrate my new job! The two-piece is actually a dress, and is joined at the back by a zip. I got it for an amazing £15 in Forever 21! And those shoes again.... dribble...
Probably the boldest outfit I've ever worn- I bought this unitard in Topshop for £40. I adore it, but don't feel all that comfortable in it. But then does anyone feel comfortable in one of these?! Trying to get the courage to wear this out again without having about 20 vodkas beforehand!
This outfit is a bit on the girly side for me, and I had a right 'mare trying to hold that skirt down in the wind all day! I'm obsessed with the evil eye necklace- It's from John Lewis (can't remember the brand) and it was in the sale for £25 so I treated myself! I also wear this top a lot, and bought the matching trousers from Topshop. It makes a really cool two-piece!
Probably my biggest bargain of all- this neon dress was £7.99 in H&M! I dressed it up for this night out with these massive perspex earrings, UO belt and clashing coral lippy!
Yeah, it's those shoes again. And the introduction of my Mom jeans! I find mine quite hard to wear as my waist is very small in comparison to my big hips! But I love how these look with heels. Love, love, love.
This two piece was ridiculously cheap from H&M- think the top was something like £5 and the skirt was £7? Amazing! All about a pineapple print!
Now this necklace. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've worn it since I bought it early in the year. It's now started to lose all it's colour and it's unwearable, I'm DEVO'D! Anyone know if I can restore it somehow?! This amazing 90s style T shirt is again, from H&M, big fan!
Any fashion blogger will be all too familiar with this T shirt! I've got a lot of time for it! (Especially as one of my best friends surprised me with it for my birthday!) I picked up this turban in Beyond Retro, and it's one of my favourite things at the moment. I wore my trusty leather leggings with this outfit- a wardrobe staple!
Ok so apparently I need to wear this top and these shoes a LOT less! (That top was £4 in Primark by the way. I know!). The leggings are in the same style and shape as le famous disco pants, and were in the Topshop sale for £15.
Last but not least, hands up who thinks I look like Leah from The Voice?! I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped in the street about it! It's the fringe I think! I had to draw the line at getting this outfit- although I LOVE it, she got it first ;)
I'll be back with a chattier blog very soon. And I mean that, pinky promise.
Lots of love